Split in C++
Split function is frequently used but C++ doesn’t provide built-in functions.
Here is a sample implementation.
vector<int> split(string s) {
vector<string> list;
int offset = 0;
string delimiter = ","
size_t delimiter_size = delimiter.length();
while(1) {
int pos = s.find(delimiter, offset); // 1
if (pos == string::npos) { // 2
list.push_back(s.substr(offset)); // 3
list.push_back(s.substr(offset, pos - offset)); // 4
offset = pos + delimiter_size; // 5
- is to find the first delimiter and get the position from the offset.
- is to check whether the position is the end of the string or not.
- gets the substring of the last string element from the last delimiter position to the end of the string.
- gets substring from current offset to the delimiter position that we got in 1.
- advances offset by delimiter position plus delimiter length.